The Recycling Industry Operating Standard™ (RIOS™) is an integrated Quality, Environmental, Health and Safety Management System that is designed for recyclers, by recyclers. RIOS is built on the well-established Plan-Do-Check-Act model, and takes a risk based approach to addressing all QEHS risks and impacts within a recycling facility. The management system approach has been adopted by companies of all sizes, across all industries because of its effectiveness.
RIOS is a program that is designed to assist Recyclers across all commodities in the goals of improving their environmental and health and safety performance, while also becoming a better partner to their customers and suppliers. Whether your company is looking to benefit from RIOS as a tool for operational success, or to go through the third-party certification process, RIOS will make your recycling company stronger.
Adopting a management system is an investment for any recycling facility. Like a new, more efficient shredder, a properly implemented RIOS management system will make a facility a more efficient and consistent operator, decrease negative environmental impacts, and improve health and safety. By attacking quality, environmental issues, and health and safety using an integrated approach, your company will lower the bottom line and increase profitability.